Forever Young

The Heart Of The Budwig Diet
Monday 16 July 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

Here is a description of the center piece of Budwig protocol, the Budwig Muesli. If your need for the full system is immediate, please find excellent coverage in "A Day In The Budwig Diet" by Ursula Escher available at Amazon. Otherwise here is the basic recipe. It must be prepared fresh daily and can be adjusted in some respects to fit personal taste.
2 tablespoons of freshly grounded whole flax seeds.
3 tablespoons of flax oil.
100 g or more of organic low fat cottage cheese or quark. You can also try cheese made from cow or goat milk, or all natural low fat yogurt store-bought or home made. Barlean's, a company that offers high quality Flax Oil, says dry milk is also an acceptable ingredient.
1 or 2 tablespoons of unpasteurized milk if the mixture turns out too thick. Goats milk, another option, is easier to digest.
1 tablespoon pure raw honey.
Various flavorings, like cinnamon, vanilla, lemon juice, orange juice, bananas, or any combination of these items.
Half or whole cup of mixed fruits in season, especially berries. Berries contain ellagic acid which protect the body from cancer causing substances and help eliminate cancer cells, stopping the growth of tumors.
First put the ground flax seeds in the bottom of a bowl. The flax seed should be ground less fine than a powder. In a separate bowl using an immersion blender mix the flax oil with the cottage cheese until there is no oil showing in the mixture. The oil must be completely dissolved into the cottage cheese. Don't use a regular blender because the mixture will get stuck under the blades. But you can mix by hand if you prefer. It takes about a minute of blending to completely combine the oil and cottage cheese. It the mixture is too thick don't add water or juice while blending. Add honey and mix well. Less honey or no honey works faster. The honey is for flavoring only. Now add other flavorings such as cinnamon, vanilla, pure cocoa, shredded coconut, sugar free apple sauce or lemon juice to suggest a few ideas. Serve this mixture on top of the flax seed and fruit. You may garnish with walnuts, Brazil nuts, and or macadamia nuts. Peanuts are definitely out. Never use peanuts.
If you wanted to know what is the foundational ingredient of The Budwig Diet then this article should have made it clear. The rest of the protocol has to do with eating organic foods only, making fruit and vegetable juices from scratch with organic produce, sun bathing 10 to 20 minutes and day, a and few other simple daily rituals. I know by following this plan only partially my ability to breathe well enough to get around again has been acomplished.
Terry A Chestnutt is a casual writer with an strong interest in The Budwig Diet. Learn more about the Budwig Diet at
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Living Your Life For You!

Expert Author Kerry A Flinders
Are you stuck living someone else's ideas of what your life should be about?
Are you going to school for something your parents pushed on you?
Are doing things just because you think your spouse expects you to?
Many times in Life Coaching sessions with my clients it will be come painfully clear that one of the biggest problems my client is having is that they are living a life someone else has designed for them.
Why on earth would someone live a life someone else wants for them?
Usually, the main reason, is their parents. When we're growing up we must do whatever it is that our parents insist we do. We really don't have any choice in that matter. The problem is that most parents think they know what's best for their child well beyond their childhood.
Many parents expect their children to pursue certain educational goals. I've heard of many parents who will pay for their child's college, but ONLY if they major in exactly what the parent decides they are to major in.
Other parents use disappointment and guilt to persuade their adult child to live a life the parent feels is best.
Parents aren't the only ones inflicting their ideas on my clients, however. I have some clients who are working jobs they absolutely hate because their spouse would never ever understand them quitting for a different job they'd like better.
Sometimes my client will be living a life they only "think" other people want them to live. These other people didn't ever come out and force a path on them, but my client feels as if they have and then walks a path they don't want to... to try to please someone who doesn't even care.
Are you doing this? Are you allowing others to decide what life you are living?
This is a mistake. It's always a mistake.
Even if you are about to head to college, and you find out from your parents that the ONLY way they will pay for your college education is if you major in Business, but you want to major in Art... I don't recommend caving in and taking the free education in a topic you have no interest.
There are many ways to find the money for a higher education... in a topic you actually want to pursue.
Stop selling yourself short. Stop living a life others think is best for you.
Until you decide what you really want from your life and start living accordingly you are going to have a hard time finding peace and happiness.
Take the time to decide what it is that YOU want from your own life. Stop worrying about what others will think of your decisions. You are not here to please them, you are here to be the best You you can be. You are here to figure out your own happiness, your own paths.
Remember, when you are a happy individual, it will positively effect every relationship you are in. Put your efforts into living the life YOU want for yourself from now on.
Kerry A Flinders is the founder of Kerry Flinders Hypnosis & Life Coaching. Kerry is dedicated to helping others achieve their goals and move forward in life, easily. At you can find Life Coaching Programs for every budget, as well as hundreds of Hypnosis Downloads to help you make changes easily.
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Life's Little Rules for Living

Cicero famously said, "A man's own manner and character is what most becomes him." Our character is what shapes our reputation. Our manners are what uphold our character. Manners are not about us. They are about others. How we treat others will determine how we are treated in return. When we act with deference toward others and treat people with graciousness, civility and respect, we edify society and the role we each play in its course. The higher we place the importance of civility and respect, the more it becomes a staple of our society and culture.
The rules of civility are universal. No matter your education, your religion or your heritage, we all share a common role in the advancement of our culture. The very least of our actions toward others speaks volumes about us. The power behind such small words or good deeds is what causes others to recognize the greater good for which we aim. We each share responsibility to set the right example. How do we do so? It starts with respect. These are what I call "Life's little rules for living". They are the foundation upon which we can frame a better world for all.
The first little rule is, "Never read something intended for someone else's eyes." It is important to honor and respect the privacy and communications of others. Doing so halts any misunderstanding or insult. Little rule number two is, "Never listen in on a conversation not intended for your ears." This serves to guarantee that we will not find ourselves the victim of offense. We have no business being offended by something not intended for us. Rule number three says, "Never repeat anything told to you in confidence." We've all had experiences when we've shared something in confidence with someone, only to find out that person broke the confidence and repeated our words. There would be no hurt feelings and surely no argument among anyone if we all kept private discussions to ourselves.
"Never spread rumor about anyone else", is rule number four. This is probably the hardest rule because humans have the overwhelming urge to sensationalize things in life. This may put the Enquirer or TMZ out of business, but it would serve to protect everyone's private lives- starting with our own. And if you do promise to keep what is said in confidence, this serves to uphold little rule number five which states, "Never fail to be of your word." You may have a perfect credit score, but if your word is worthless, you will suffer a loss of respect and credibility among your peers.
We all have an opinion. Our opinions are shaped by our life's experiences. No two people have had exact experiences and no two opinions are alike. That is what makes life rich and exciting. We each have so much to offer and learn from one another. Far too often, we use our opinions to shield ourselves from other viewpoints. We sometimes criticize other opinions without regard for a person's feelings. This leads to rule number five, "Never criticize someone's opinion". We are free to disagree, but to criticize someone because they think differently is disrespectful.
Politeness is like a flower rich in beauty and color. Respect for others is one of the best ways to demonstrate our civility. This leads to my last and final little rule for living, "Always be mindful to mind your own business." How we would wish to be treated is how we should treat others. That is a timeless principle which never dies.
Brian C. Haggerty is an author, columnist and public speaker. His book, "Personal & Professional Life Skills for Success", available at is a modern framework which helps people put their best face forward while attaining ultimate self-confidence in any situation. It addresses the 3 key areas in which we are assessed by others: The manner in which we speak, how we dress and how we present ourselves. A recent Harvard, Stanford and Carnegie Institute study found that 85% of our success in life is determined by our people skills; while only 15% is determined by our technical skills. Discover today how to be the best you can be! Carry yourself with confidence! Make the greatest impression you can in your social and business life. Learn more at
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Shock, Horror - A Person Brave Enough For Self Discovery Reels in Awe

Expert Author Petris Lapis
Is the purpose of life to grow personally and thereby play your part in the growth of humanity as a whole? If so, then it begs the question who are you really?
You could say you are a father, a daughter, a brother, a girlfriend or a friend. You could define yourself in terms of your personal relationships to others, but when you think about it, this is more about them than you. It is also who you are in connection to someone else. This is one of the hats you wear, but it isn't who you are.
How about what you do for a living? I am a cleaner, a flight attendant, a mechanic, a teacher, a farmer, a doctor, a public servant... They are all roles you fulfil each day, but are they really who you are? If so, what happens when you change jobs or you retire? Do you lose some of who you are? Do you change who you are? Do you stop being who you were and become someone else? I don't think so.
Is it what you own? Are you defined by how many or how few possessions you have?
How about what you look like? Surely we could determine who you are by what you are on the outside? No?
You could also say that who you are is a product of your upbringing and the decisions you have made in the past. You could say that except that in the next second you could make a choice which changes who you are forever from that point forward.
So, if you're not your relationship with others and you're not what you do for a living, what you own or what you look like and you're not your past... then WHO are you?
Whatever answer you come up with, who you are is so much more than any of those things. You are bigger than the roles you undertake, your body, the things you own, what you do for a living. You are much bigger than what has happened to you in the past.
In fact, I think if you were ever brave enough to strip away all the layers you cover yourself in... all the roles, the beliefs, relationships, customs, habits and culture, external experience past experiences that you would find something so magnificent and pure and glowing with such strength and brightness that you would have difficulty comprehending your personal magnificence.
It is almost as though it is safer for us to hide behind the massive wall of things which limit who we are, rather than face the enormity of who we are and what we are capable of.
What if humans were capable of being and doing so much more than they allow themselves to? What would it mean for the world if we all stepped into who we could truly be? What if we allowed ourselves to step into our personal magnificence?
I think the outcome of each and every one of us stepping up as we did, extending our hands to help others step up would be the type of world and the type of community I would love to live in.
What do you think?
Petris Lapis, Director of Keys To Potential Pty Ltd the newest way to personal growth, opening your heart and unlocking your potential in every aspect of life. Visit now to find the next course running near you.
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How to Create a New Story for 2012

Families have lots of moments. There are the stressful, angry, sad and reactive moments. And there are moments filled with love, joy, laughter, and wonder. We weave these moments together to create our story and our family's story. Some of you are ready for a different story.
6 Ways to Create a New Story For 2012
1. Be the author of your story
In other words, write your own story. Don't sit back and let others take over your story. As moms we can fall into some bad habits and let everyone else write our story. Part of the problem is that we don't value our story, and don't prioritize or make time for it.
If you are not writing your story and just living everyone else's story, you are not going to be happy. In fact you are on the fast track to being resentful.
Remember you can write your story.
2. Get clear
To write your story you need to be clear. Ask yourself these questions.
  • What do you want and what do you NOT want? How do I want to be treated? What activities do I want to be involved in?
  • Who do you want to be or how do you want to feel in the story? I want to enjoy my family. I want to be confident. I want to feel energized.
  • What does it look like? Can you picture it? The more details the better. I pick my daughter up from school. I am relaxed and enjoy being with her. I can see my daughter smiling and telling me about a test she aced. (Have fun with the story) You might as well go for it.
  • What action do you need to take for your story to happen? Once you are clear about your story, then you can take action. If it is overwhelming, just take the smallest step possible that will take you in the right direction.
Remember your story will be written by everyone else if you are not clear.
3. There is no 'perfect story'
The goal is not to have a 'perfect story'. A perfect story is boring. No one goes to see a movie about a perfect family. We like movies where the underdog triumphs against all odds and finds romance, makes the team, or destroys all the evil in the universe.
Many mothers feel pressured to have the 'perfect family.' You have to be a perfect mother and wife. Your house is perfect. Your relationships are perfect. Your kids and husband are perfect.
It's not going to happen. There is no such thing as a 'perfect family'. It is impossible. If you believe this you will be constantly disappointed. You will be disappointed in yourself and your spouse and kids. Constant disappointment leaves you feeling like a failure.
The goal is to have a 'hopeful story' not a 'perfect story'.
4. Create a 'hopeful story'
The main difference between a 'hopeful story' and a 'perfect story' is where you place your focus. In a 'perfect story' you focus on your failures-- where you are not perfect. It discredits everything you have accomplished. For example if your daughter rages at you in the 'perfect story' she has let you down. You feel like a bad parent. That's all you can think about. This wipes out all the good memories of your daughter. It's like none of the good memories counts. Your focus narrows down to that one incident where she raged.
A 'hopeful story' looks for evidence that things are getting better. A 'hopeful story' knows that we are all imperfect. The point is to grow and learn from the mistakes. It is a 'hopeful story' because it gives you credit for what you are accomplishing. A hopeful story sees the big picture. It doesn't leave out any information.
In the same scenario the 'hopeful story' would see the incident with the daughter in context. You would remember that your daughter is hardwired for drama and it's not personal. You can still like your daughter and give her a consequence. You see it as a teaching opportunity. Your daughter takes responsibility for her actions and volunteers to make dinner for you.
You see her grow from the experience.
5. Let go of the story you don't want.
To create a hopeful story you have to let go of the story you do not want. If you cling to your 'perfect story' about your daughter then you will see your daughter as annoying and rude and you can't wait for her to get out of the house.
You have a choice. What story do you really want?
Let go of the old story by forgiving her. It's OK that she is not perfect. She is still in process. Believe in her new story and let go of the resentment.
You can't create a new story when you are holding on to your old story.
6. Create a backdrop of downtime, play, adventure and fun
Not all the moments in your family are going to be fun. You do have to make sure she gets her homework done. You are her prefrontal cortex and you need to reel her in when she is making bad decisions. But this doesn't have to be all the time.
Be intentional to create other moments. Schedule downtime where both of you are hanging out and there is no pressure to get anything done. In other words relax together. Try taking a mini-adventure together. Have a girl date. To sum it up, create positive experiences with your daughter.
Take 30 minutes to an hour and write out your new story for 2012.
Colleen O'Grady encourages and empowers women to live their highest and best life. From her coaching programs to her one of a kind therapy sessions, she has helped hundreds of women and teenage girls uncover their true purpose in life, create more happiness, and move to a place of inner peace. Colleen knows that everyone can create this kind of life.
Colleen O'Grady is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Marriage and Family Therapist. Her private practice in Houston, Texas has been active for over 20 years. As an approved supervisor on a state and national level, Colleen is sought after to train master-level therapists, psychology and psychiatry residents throughout Houston. Colleen has created innovative coaching programs to give people practical tools for moving forward while also standing on a strong foundation of therapeutic practice.
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The Worst Beta Test Ever!
Expert Author Edward T Nelson

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to take part as a beta tester for a new telephone solution. Even now, the frustration of that experience still haunts me; jerking me out of my restless sleep, drenched in a pool of sweat. OK, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. Let's just say, the experience was not great. Let me share with you the perspective from a tester's point of view with tips to help you with your next beta test program.
[TESTER]: "Am I the only one here?"
As a coordinator, the use of an online forum is a valuable element in managing user experiences. It is probably the most important scalability tool you can use. Why? Because you can be sure that if one person has had a problem or discovered a work around, others will want to take advantage of their experience as well. By establishing a forum to augment your beta testing, you make sure that important information is self-sustaining and self-distributed. As a tester, I remember thinking, "I know someone else has tripped over this problem, yet there is no way for me to figure out how they resolved it."
Tip: Online Forums will support your team and allow you to scale.
[TESTER]: "Sorry to bother you about Your product, but if you are not too busy, can I ask you a question?"
Lead by example; be excited about your project. I recall a beta coordinator often sounding too busy or worse, annoyed when I called them. Your attitude as the coordinator is the cadence of the project.
Tip: Nothing will kill the incentive to participate faster than the beta coordinator not being excited about the product.
[TESTER]: "Is this the kind of feedback you wanted?"
Providing clear guidelines, including event reporting steps, will prevent a great deal of confusion during the tests. Furthermore, not having a location to accept issues reported can signal that the beta testing is just a perfunctory exercise. When critical issues are not acted upon, testers will feel that taking the time to report a problem is not worth their effort.
Tip: Provide written guidelines on the test, including a comprehensive incident reporting form. Make sure the form has enough fields to prevent you from having to go back and try to get more data later.
[TESTER]: "Do you want to know what else I thought about this?"
While a defect tracking tool is imperative to every beta test, broad survey feedback tools are also important. Remember that your beta test is not just an engineering exercise. This is an opportunity to test your entire launch readiness process. Securing feedback on ease of use, common questions asked and competitive observations are all invaluable data. Such information is uniquely secured during field trials. Testers will become frustrated if they feel important information is not being heard.
Tip: Develop a survey to capture both specific and generalized feedback. Review this survey with your testers BEFORE the start of testing so they know what to focus on.
[TESTER]: "Hey, is this beta test still going on?"
You are probably already having weekly status reports with your management team on the progress of the beta. Why not augment this with a weekly status to your testers. This can include acknowledgements to input provided thus far, key findings that may affect the group and days remaining for the tests. I recall being part of a particular beta test for over a year and on several occasions wondering if anyone was still in the "Command Chair".
Tip: A weekly status report to your testers will keep the group energized and focused; increasing the quality and quantity of responses.
I hope you found this article both entertaining and educational.
Much success in your next beta test program!
- Ed
Edward Nelson
President: Real World Beta, LLC
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Read Holy Quran Online

It is extremely valuable for Muslims, regardless of their sects, to learn and gain an understanding of the Holy Quran. Quran is taught to many of us from the very beginning. Most of us are taught Quran in our childhood. However, there are some people who have not yet studied the Holy Quran. One of the main reasons for this issue is the unavailability of appropriate teachers to tutor such people. Parents face many problems in finding a reputable instructor near the house. This ultimately leads to them giving up searching, and the kid never comes to understand the virtuous knowledge.
There are many people among us who have been unable to read the Quran and want to do so. The development of the internet has made it probable for all such people to read the Holy Book. You can only scan and search the internet for E-Quran. Yes you read it right, E-Quran. It is an online version of the Holy Book. There are many different sites that offer this facility. They also offer qualified teachers who will help you in understanding the Quran. Unlike a school, personal attention is paid on each and every student. This enables you to learn at the pace that is most suited to you. You not only understand the Quran, but make command on it. Within no time you can get this knowledge with the benefit of appropriate guidance.
There are many advantages of learning Quran online, especially for children who should learn it as early as possible. Not only is online coaching more appropriate for parents, but it also gives the child the value of a personal instructor who can assist him in analyzing the verses of Quran. The instructor may also correct him when it comes to errors in pronunciation. Apart from children, online Quran learning is also advantageous for the grownups. With the tough and hectic schedules nowadays, it becomes tremendously difficult to find time to go to Quran learning centers. Also, because of the social restraints, you may not find a enormous number of places to tutor adults exclusively. For these reasons, it is best to study Quran through an online source.
A big advantage of online Quran learning is that apart from studying the Quran itself, you can also study different explanations given by different scholars. This enables to get diverse viewpoints. Also, you are able to get translations in various languages. You may choose the preferred language in order to get a better insight of the Quran.
The importance of Quran cannot be expressed much more than this. The Prophet (S.A.W) said, "The most superior among you (Muslims) is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it" (Sahih Bukhari, Book #61, Hadith #546). It is the Book that not only contains teachings of how to live your lives according to God's Will, but also all information that has ever been discovered by mankind. It also contains information that is yet to be or will never be found by scientific researches. Such is the power of this Holy Book. Once you get a grip on its knowledge, you will be able to change your perspective towards life. You will know that all these worldly things are just temporary. There is a much more peaceful and happier life waiting for you.
Author frequents writes about Quran learning courses.You may visit how to learn Quran online and Read quran online for more details.
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